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Sie sind hier: Neurologie » Kopfschmerzen 15. März 2025
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The effects of concurrent alpha-linolenic acid, L-carnitine supplementation on clinical symptoms, mental health, and quality of life in women with migraine: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Nutr J
Golpour-Hamedani S, Bagherniya M, Khorvash F, Feizi A, Sharma M, Askari G.
PMID: 40082970 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Association of atrial cardiopathy and residual shunt after patent foramen ovale closure in patients experiencing migraine.
Eur J Med Res
Gao X, Zhang X, Song W, Liu Y, Guo R, Jiang Y.
PMID: 40082931 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Neuroimaging differences between chronic migraine with and without medication overuse headache: a 7 Tesla multimodal MRI study.
J Headache Pain
Sun Y, Ma L, Wang S, Duan C, Wang X, Bian X, Wang S, Zhai D, Xie S, Zhang S, Liu Y, Lin X, Wang R, Liu X, Yu S, Lou X, Dong Z.
PMID: 40082790 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Headache relief following endoscopic drainage of Rathke's cleft cyst.
Jian A, Wang YY, Goldschlager T, Castle-Kirszbaum M, Kam J, Zhao YC, King J.
PMID: 40082261 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Abnormal Functional Network Centrality and Causal Connectivity in Migraine Without Aura: A Resting-State fMRI Study.
Brain Behav
Zhang D, Lu L, Huang X, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Fu T, Li F, Wu X.
PMID: 40079637 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Optimized communication during risk disclosure to reduce nocebo headache after lumbar puncture-a study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Front Psychol
Asan L, Gronen JS, Peters L, Kleinschnitz C, Holle-Lee D, Benson S, Bingel U.
PMID: 40078436 [PubMed]

Stigmatizing attitudes toward people with migraine by people without active migraine: results of the OVERCOME (US) study.
BMC Neurol
Shapiro RE, Viktrup L, Muenzel EJ, Buse DC, Zagar AJ, Ashina S, Hutchinson S, Nicholson RA, Lipton RB.
PMID: 40075330 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Headache types and characteristics in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
J Headache Pain
Soliman R, Fahmy N, Swelam MS.
PMID: 40075315 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Single-centre, randomised and double-blind clinical trial on the efficacy of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation in preventing and treating primary headache in children and adolescents: a study protocol.
BMJ Open
Weng S, Xiao X, Liang S, Xue Y, Yang X, Ji Y.
PMID: 40074270 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Oral fluid supplementation for the prevention of post-dural puncture headache: A noninferiority randomized controlled trial.
PLoS One
Cartron E, Volteau C, Leroy M, Voisine A, Dauvergne JE, Ballet C, Talarmin JP, Quéau MA, Catinault M, Gazeau E, Haubertin C, Charreau R, Boutoille D.
PMID: 40073366 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Evaluation of Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV) and Ocular Movements in Patients with Primary headache -An Analytical Cross-sectional Study.
Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Penumaka V, Das S, Kalidoss VK, Reddy YSP.
PMID: 40066408 [PubMed]

The efficacy and safety of zavegepant nasal inhalation versus oral calcitonin-gene related peptide receptor antagonists in the acute treatment of migraine: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of the literature.
J Headache Pain
Zhu Z, Tang Y, Li L, Ni H, Liu M, Chen Z, Wang Z.
PMID: 40065213 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Education Research: Trends in the National Resident Matching Program Headache Medicine Match Data: A Retrospective Observational Study.
Neurol Educ
Zhang N, Rosen N.
PMID: 40060940 [PubMed]

Evaluation of post-craniotomy headache management: A single-center retrospective study.
J Clin Neurosci
Michas ME, Johnson EG, Ruf K, Sheldrake A, Mirza FA, Schadler A, Cook AM.
PMID: 40056607 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Critical reflections on medication overuse headache in patients with migraine: An unsolved riddle in nociception.
Neurobiol Pain
Chiarugi A, Buonvicino D.
PMID: 40040782 [PubMed]

Comorbidities as risk factors for migraine onset: A systematic review and three-level meta-analysis.
Eur J Neurol
Terhart M, Overeem LH, Hong JB, Reuter U, Raffaelli B.
PMID: 40040320 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The occurrence of cervicogenic headache: A mapping review.
Musculoskelet Sci Pract
Mingels S, Granitzer M, Jull G, Dankaerts W.
PMID: 40031141 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Episodic Migraine in the Pediatric Population: Behavioral Therapies and other Non-Pharmacological Treatment Options.
Curr Pain Headache Rep
Gazerani P.
PMID: 40029442 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effectiveness and safety of anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies for migraine in patients over 65 years: a systematic review.
Pain Manag
Muñoz-Vendrell A, López-Bravo A, Layos-Romero A, Alberola-Amores FJ, Caballero MOL, Sánchez-Soblechero A, Morales-Hernández C, Castro-Sánchez MV, Navarro-López MP, Córdova-Infantes MR, Caronna E, Irimia P, Gonzalez-Martinez A, junior Headache Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology (jGECSEN).
PMID: 40028761 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Efficacy and Safety of Prophylactic Intrathecal or Epidural Normal Saline for Preventing Post-Dural Puncture Headache After Dural Puncture: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review.
J Pain Res
Jing W, Ma Y, Wan Y, Li H.
PMID: 40027214 [PubMed]

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