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Menopause, Perimenopause, and Migraine: Understanding the Intersections and Implications for Treatment.
Neurol Ther
Waliszewska-Prosó, Grandi G, Ornello R, Raffaelli B, Straburzy, Tana C, Martelletti P.
PMID: 40085393 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Rates and risk factors for migraine progression using multiple definitions of progression: Results of the longitudinal OVERCOME (US) study.
Buse DC, Muenzel EJ, Zagar AJ, Mehrabadi AS, Shapiro RE, Kim G, Ashina S, Nicholson RA, Lipton RB.
PMID: 40084740 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Assessing blood pressure changes and hypertension-related outcomes in patients with migraine treated with erenumab: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Makita LM, de Kleimmann RF, de Oliveira RR, Neves HAF, Corso AMS, Alves VS, Kojima GSA, Koppanatham A, Kowacs PA, Piovesan EJ.
PMID: 40084674 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The effects of concurrent alpha-linolenic acid, L-carnitine supplementation on clinical symptoms, mental health, and quality of life in women with migraine: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Nutr J
Golpour-Hamedani S, Bagherniya M, Khorvash F, Feizi A, Sharma M, Askari G.
PMID: 40082970 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Association of atrial cardiopathy and residual shunt after patent foramen ovale closure in patients experiencing migraine.
Eur J Med Res
Gao X, Zhang X, Song W, Liu Y, Guo R, Jiang Y.
PMID: 40082931 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Neuroimaging differences between chronic migraine with and without medication overuse headache: a 7 Tesla multimodal MRI study.
J Headache Pain
Sun Y, Ma L, Wang S, Duan C, Wang X, Bian X, Wang S, Zhai D, Xie S, Zhang S, Liu Y, Lin X, Wang R, Liu X, Yu S, Lou X, Dong Z.
PMID: 40082790 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Machine learning models and classification algorithms in the diagnosis of vestibular migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Suarez-Barcena PD, Parra-Perez AM, Martín-Lagos J, Gallego-Martinez A, Lopez-Escámez JA, Perez-Carpena P.
PMID: 40079713 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Abnormal Functional Network Centrality and Causal Connectivity in Migraine Without Aura: A Resting-State fMRI Study.
Brain Behav
Zhang D, Lu L, Huang X, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Fu T, Li F, Wu X.
PMID: 40079637 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Stigmatizing attitudes toward people with migraine by people without active migraine: results of the OVERCOME (US) study.
BMC Neurol
Shapiro RE, Viktrup L, Muenzel EJ, Buse DC, Zagar AJ, Ashina S, Hutchinson S, Nicholson RA, Lipton RB.
PMID: 40075330 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Clinical Profile of Vestibular Migraine- Insights from a Retrospective Study.
Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Haritha S, Sekar R, Anbarasan S, Sankar S.
PMID: 40070769 [PubMed]

The unmet needs in management, the treatment gap and the burden of migraine in Greece: a Delphi consensus and focus group study from patients' perspective.
Front Neurol
Vikelis M, Kourlaba G, Barba L, Bilias K, Barbalia E, Solakidi A, Trafalis D, Lioliou K, Zyga S, Karapanayiotides T, Mitsikostas DD.
PMID: 40066304 [PubMed]

The efficacy and safety of zavegepant nasal inhalation versus oral calcitonin-gene related peptide receptor antagonists in the acute treatment of migraine: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of the literature.
J Headache Pain
Zhu Z, Tang Y, Li L, Ni H, Liu M, Chen Z, Wang Z.
PMID: 40065213 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Efficacy of biofeedback for migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Complement Ther Med
Paudel P, Sah A.
PMID: 40064357 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Randomized double blind placebo controlled multicentric clinical trial of Ayush M-3 in the management of migraine- A study protocol.
J Ayurveda Integr Med
Chaudhary S, Khanduri S, Mata S, Rao BCS, Singh Anand K, Kishore Kumar R, Sudha Kumari KG, Mahajan B, Kumar Rana R, Singhal R, Mata S, Makhija R, Bharti, Srikanth N, Dhiman KS, Rabinarayan Acharya.
PMID: 40056811 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Exploring the Impact of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Chronic Migraine Relief: A Case Study.
Lahlou Y, Aamir M, Shadiack V.
PMID: 40051937 [PubMed]

Treatment Patterns and Healthcare Resource Utilization by Gender and Migraine Frequency in Adult Patients Receiving Galcanezumab Versus Standard of Care Preventive Medications Over 24 months: A United States Retrospective Claims Study.
Patient Prefer Adherence
Varnado OJ, Vu M, Buysman EK, Kim G, Allenback G, Hoyt M, Trenz H, Cao F, Viktrup L.
PMID: 40046564 [PubMed]

Unmet needs in the management of migraine in Greece from the perspective of medical experts: a Delphi consensus.
Front Neurol
Kourlaba G, Vikelis M, Karapanayiotides T, Solakidi A, Trafalis D, Lioliou K, Andriopoulos P, Panagiotou A, Mitsikostas DD.
PMID: 40040919 [PubMed]

Critical reflections on medication overuse headache in patients with migraine: An unsolved riddle in nociception.
Neurobiol Pain
Chiarugi A, Buonvicino D.
PMID: 40040782 [PubMed]

Comorbidities as risk factors for migraine onset: A systematic review and three-level meta-analysis.
Eur J Neurol
Terhart M, Overeem LH, Hong JB, Reuter U, Raffaelli B.
PMID: 40040320 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Mechanistic approach and therapeutic strategies in menstrual and non-menstrual migraine.
Future Sci OA
Mani T, Murtaza M, Begum RF, Gayathri H, Sumithra M.
PMID: 40040266 [PubMed]

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